Your donations help us protect and conserve environment and fight poverty, offering hope to millions

For every £1 donated to ServePlanet...

Born to give more and spend less

ServePlanet's unique management structure allows it to carry out its operations without any hierarchal system of appointing chief executive(s) and without a large number of employees which results in reducing administrative and overhead costs and hence allocates maximum funds for its causes. ServePlanet aims to give back as much as 90% of the total funds it generates.

For more details, refer to our Ethical Donations Acceptance Policy,  Grant-making Policy and Programme Partnership Policy.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Align with ServePlanet as part of your Corporate Social Responsibility and you will be a part of environmental regeneration and poverty eradication. 

A charity partnership with ServePlanet will not only help provide a plastic-free environment, but could:

  • Raise your brand profile
  • Engage your clients
  • Improve CSR
  • Differentiate your product/brand from competitors
  • Generate media coverage
  • Improve brand loyalty
  • Boost staff morale and satisfaction

There are many ways you can engage with Studio Upstairs:

Payroll Giving 

Make your money make a difference and work for a good cause .Your pledge of £10 will cost you £8 as a basic taxpayer, £6 as a higher rate taxpayer and only £5 if you pay the highest rate of tax

The scheme offers potential employer match-funding, which benefits all parties:

  • Supporting your choice and fundraising as donor.
  • Increases your donation to ServePlanet.
  • Your employers will enjoy improved Corporate Social Responsibility, boosting employee morale, team-building, which aids recruitment. Company donations are tax deductible. Tax relief on company donation.
  • Provides a reliable income stream for ServePlanet.

Making ServePlanet your office charity of the year redoubles your gift and will very much help extend the reach of our work.

Giveall2Charity is approved and monitored by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) for the purposes of Payroll Giving.

Employee Fundraising

By fundraising for ServePlanet you are not only raising crucial funds to support the objectives of ServePlanet, you are also telling other people about ServePlanet and your belief in its work.

You can put together a fun and impactful page to support your fundraising activity which you can link to your Facebook and other social media pages.

Corporate Donation

Provide either full or part-funding for one of our projects or our work in general, knowing that you will be significantly be changing lives for those who need it most.

Well-being Workshops for Employees

Does your organisation or business need a creative boost? Why not spend some time with us to inspire productivity and creative problem solving.

We provide interactive, well-being workshops and days designed to nurture healthy and positive thinking, explore ways to generate ideas and encourage team building in a fun, friendly and informal environment.


ServePlanet takes great pride in bringing the issue of plastic pollution and poverty to the forefront. But much work is still to be done and thus our need for funding has never been greater. Please help us advance and expand our work in 2020 and beyond. When you donate to ServePlanet, you're supporting a plastic-free marine ecosystem and socially and economically disadvantaged communities that need support to become self-sufficient. We are currently accepting donations only through our bank account details of which are mentioned below:

Account No. : 96470140

Sort Code: 60-83-71

IBAN: GB79SRLG60837196470140